Your membership helps support a vibrant local cultural organization in the heart of our town. Few communities in Miami Dade County can claim to have their own museum.
Also, joining the MSHS means that you enjoy a yearlong calendar of events, ranging from lectures to social activities.
This year is particularly exciting with the move to a new location. You can become involved with the growth and expansion of the Museum at this critical time. Your help is especially useful now.
PLEASE NOTE: Membership runs from January 1st through December 31th of each year.
Type of new membership [ ], or renewal [ ]:
Single ($25)
Family ($35)
Student ($5)
Organization ($50)
Contributor ($100)
Additional Donation: ___________
Please forward application to:
P.O. Box 660175
Miami Springs, Florida 33266-0175
The Miami Springs Historical Society is a 501c3, not for profit organization. Your membership constitutes a donation that may qualify for tax benefits.